Safety and Security at place of grace campus

Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand against  the enemies schemes.    Ephesians 6:11

Place of Grace Campus uses the following measures to provide a safe environment for worship. 

- ID badges, security vests, and trained volunteers

- fully stocked first aid kit and trained first responders

- maintenance of all exit doors

- situational awareness

- perimeter fencing

- use of surveillance equipment and alarm systems

- select members who have concealed carry permits and are armed

 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.      Acts 20:28


policy for working with minors

Psalms 127:3 tells us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord.” 

As such, we take every precaution to ensure minors attending

our worship services and events are safe and protected

from those who seek to do them harm. 

As a standard practice, before being allowed to serve Place of Grace Campus requires that all children and youth ministry volunteers:

- complete and sign an application, including a thumbprint

- receive a copy and training in child-safety policies and procedures

- undergo a criminal background and sex offender record check